MAY 15th, 2024 5 visitors.
Fédération Internationale de Bâtons de Défense et Disciplines Associées
• Partner of the French National Education.
• Registered at the French Ministry of Youth and Sport.
• Professional training organization.

Instruction of Marine Corps Soldiers from Brasil.
May 2003.

Claudio (to the left) together with the training center supervisors, and Junior, F.I.B.D/D.A manager in Brasil. Ricardo, from the Brasilian Marine Corps, (to the left) and Junior, (to the right). José Carlos (to the left, Commander responsible for the training center) and Júnior (to the right).
Júnior (to the right) showing a defense against a knive attack. Control of the armed hand, and wrist lock.
Júnior (to the right) facing an attack with a heavy stick... Control on the ground by a leg lock.