JAN 02nd, 2025 11 visitors.
Fédération Internationale de Bâtons de Défense et Disciplines Associées
• Partner of the French National Education.
• Registered at the French Ministry of Youth and Sport.
• Professional training organization.

Handled baton training for the French elite troup members.
January 2006. France.

The soldiers.
The training.Defense against direct punch.
Controlled defense against grasp with both hands. The F.I.B.D/D.A. instructor showing a technique.
The F.I.B.D/D.A. instructor explaining.The trainees listening carefully to the instructor's explanation.
A souvenir picture, after the training. The F.I.B.D/D.A. founder (to the right) together with a F.I.B.D/D.A. instructor, also member of the elite troups.