Training for instructors in S.B.T/Pro (Self-defence
,Baton and Tonfa).
Le Cap d'Agde, from the 3rd to the 8th January 2005.
The referees are examining the trainees with particular
care... |
The trainees are listening very carefully to the
instructor's advice. |
Jean-Claude is carrying out a technique to control
a violent individual. |
Mohamed showing how to neutralize someone who
wants to move away... |
Franck showing a technique to carry somebody
away. |
Alexandre defending against a fist attack. |
Jean-Claude in full action. |
Two workmates defending against a knife attack. |
Pierre, F.I.B.D/D.A expert, together with Alexandre
and Mohamed, both soldiers, who took part to this training. |
Jean, referee and F.I.B.D/D.A instructor, and
Jean-Claude, a trainee. |