MAR 13rd, 2025 6 visitors.
Fédération Internationale de Bâtons de Défense et Disciplines Associées
• Partner of the French National Education.
• Registered at the French Ministry of Youth and Sport.
• Professional training organization.

Instruction for members of the brasilian army.
Police Academy.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2005.

The trainees and the technical staff.
Elias (with the black shirt), instructor, during a technical advise.Mario-Sergio, instructor, showing a neutralization technique.
Techniques for controlling of individuals after a reddition.Elias, instructor, showing a technique to get rid of a hand grasp.
The technical staff together with the Police instructor.Junior, F.I.B.D/D.A expert (to the left) together with Mario-Sergio (in the middle) and Elias (to the right).