JAN 30th, 2025 16 visitors.
Fédération Internationale de Bâtons de Défense et Disciplines Associées
• Partner of the French National Education.
• Registered at the French Ministry of Youth and Sport.
• Professional training organization.

Self defence training.
4th February, 2007. Strasbourg, France.

The trainees' team together with the instructor and the expert from the F.I.B.D/D.A.
Pascal and Jér�me.Virginie and Olivier.
Jean-Pierre and Toto.Marie and Jeff.
Toto and Titi.Defence against grasp.
Warm up session.Jerôme is always available to give some good advice.
Pascal, expert, and Jér�me, instructor from the F.I.B.D/D.A.Bruno and Jeff.